Bridal Boudoir ... A Gift for You Both
Bridal Boudoir has been growing in popularity for several years now. Oklahoma was just rated the highest state for goggling boudoir photography as a gift. Giving your fiancé intimate portraits of you before you tie the knot is a perfect gift for the both of you. Your boudoir shoot can be as much or as little clothing as you like. The style at Voulez Vous is classy, sophisticated, and elegant and we will create and style together the vision you have for yourself. Every woman I photograph feels some sort of vulnerability, but I will guide you through the poses and make sure you are feeling and looking your very best before I snap that shutter button.This first image I was metering the light and I could see Chelsea was totally relaxed and being herself. This is when your beauty will shine through your eyes and others will see it. This is the magic that I am looking for when I shoot.
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