Glamour,Beauty & Film Noir, An After Dark Experience
Glamour, Beauty & Film Noir, An After Dark Experience.This past summer I attended a workshop in Kansas City, After Dark Education, where I had the grand opportunity to work with Brian Demint on Glamour and Beauty Portraits. I knew when I saw his work and watched him create his portraits that he would inspire new beginnings of portraiture for me. Mesmerized, I watched as he used fabrics, flowers, colors, textures and creative lighting to bring a romantic and fairytale feel to his portraits. Once I was educated it was time to photograph. Stepping away from the norm and shooting different perspectives opened my eyes to a whole new vision for my artwork.Voulez Vous Boudoir, Tulsa, Oklahoma[caption id="attachment_562" align="aligncenter" width="900"]
Film Noir[/caption][caption id="attachment_563" align="aligncenter" width="735"]