820 E. 3rd St, Tulsa OK. +1 (918) 810-5402

Love is Everything

January 26, 2016

"Life is ever so brief and fragile...yet this should not foster fear but freedom.  Freedom to love desperately, fully willing to be broken by it.  Freedom to forgive with all your might, in spite of every justification, freedom to be alive in this moment. For at the end, my friend, love is all you leave with. And therefore, it is everything." by: Cathey Byerley.  I am 50.  Love Is Everything.Cathey is a gardener and we wanted to do something fun to tell her story.  She spends hours in her backyard creating a beautiful haven for her family.  I imagined her there working away digging, planting, standing back and thinking of what's next.  I imagined flowers bursting from her mind out the top of her head...yes, I did envision this.  And, because she's "50" she said let's go for it!  The purple flowers I picked fresh from my yard the day of.When I look at Cathey's portraits I see beauty, confidence, and wisdom that comes from growing her own inner seed of love.

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