Permission To Rise
New Season, New Self-Image
Angela, a poetic soul and a dear friend of mine, approached me a while back to capture her during a special season of transformation. After a lengthy career in aerospace, Angela decided to leave to pursue her life-long dream of becoming an author!
In her latest book, Permission to Rise, she reveals a series of personal memoirs that explain how surrendering to 'Divine Love' can completely change your life. We designed Angela's photoshoot to echo this act of surrender and reveal a deeper layer of her true self.

"The person I want to bring forward from inside myself, my Beloved 'I Am', relies on your lens to be put into light. I apologize in advance for giving you this much responsibility, but I think you can handle, since you’ve decided to become this vessel for God’s artwork in women restoration. I am scared to death and excited at the same time. I have no idea what layer of Angela will come out of this, but I believe I am ready for her.
When I decided to become a writer, I felt it was my opportunity to show my real potential and unleash my creative mind. I wanted to show that eight-year-old girl who dreamed of becoming a writer that I haven’t forgot about her, neither had I given up on her."

Enjoy Angela's portrait collection along with an exclusive poem inspired by her portrait experience with me at Voulez Vous:
'Naked Feelings'
In my being, I let it sink
I invite it all in
All of me

Look into those blank spots, I think
What does it say?
I want to scream
That’s what it says
How is it possible to want to be let out
When it’s not even there in the first place?
And that’s why it wants out…
Because it wants to become something
To be given meaning

A Soul, A spirit,
It wants to take form so it can be seen
And understood
The unknown of the feeling with no names
Has a story to tell
About a formless and empty spot
Who once wanted to be fulfilled
But now just wants to be acknowledged
That even without a name
Or a proper feeling to be recognized
It is still there
Turn me into something, gently it asks
With eyes filled with hope
And a heart without a mask.

Turn me into something, gently it asks
With eyes filled with hope
And a heart without a mask.

Check Out More From Angela In Her Memoir, 'Permission To Rise,' Now Available on Amazon & Other Major eBook Platforms! You can follow her on Instagram: @angelammoses_author